
Saturday, August 9, 2014

Moving On...

What a journey this has been. Yesterday,  Acts29 removed Mark Driscoll and Mars Hill from their network of churches (which he co-founded). The response from Mars Hill was heartbreaking, to be honest. It is the same thing they did almost three years ago with A Call to Reconciliation (but worse).

It has become clear to me that Mark will not resign, and he plans to go down with his ship. I have become thoroughly convinced that Mars Hill Church has become a cult. In light of that, it is time for me to move on. I have given Mark Driscoll and Mars Hill enough of my time, talent and treasures.

I AM truly encouraged by the number of people who have found the courage to use their voices and speak out against Mark and the abuses at Mars Hill. In the beginning, the voices were few, and I felt compelled to keep being a voice crying in the wilderness. Today there are a symphony of voices calling for change, accountability, and resignation. I fully trust that those who have picked up the torch will fight the good fight and finish the race.

I am ready to turn the page and begin a new job, and focus on things that I have power over. I am leaving the blog up as a historical record and resource for those who will come out in the future. I am extremely grateful for the friendships I have made through all of this.

If You Wish to Stay Current on Mark Driscoll & Mars Hill:

This group will be given to an admin who will keep the integrity of the group and the spirit in which it was created.

If A Friend or Loved One is in a Cult/Abusive Church:

Elizabeth Esther provides some very helpful information when trying to talk with someone who is currently in an abusive church or cult. She also provides guidance on how you can help them when they are ready to leave.

How to Talk to Someone Living Inside an Abusive Church or Cult Group

How to Help Someone Inside a Cult or Abusive Church (Hint: Inverventions Don't Work)

If You Are Thinking of Leaving or Have Already Left:

How to Leave and Recover

Post Cult (Abusive Church) Trauma Syndrome


Paradigm Counseling of Puget Sound

Northwest Family Life

Dr. Sarah Groen-Colyn Psychologist , PhD

Denny Gunderson, MA, LMHC

Jamelyn Keatts, MA, LMHC


Battered Sheep

Church Exiters


Recovery from Spiritual Abuse Website (Jeff VanVonderen)


Subtle Power of Spiritual Abuse, The: Recognizing and Escaping Spiritual Manipulation and False Spiritual Authority Within the Church by David Johnson & Jeff VanVonderen

Breaking the Bondage of Legalism by Neil T. Anderson & Rich Miller & Paul Travis

Churches that Abuse by Ronald M. Enroth

Recovering from Churches that Abuse by Ronald M. Enroth

Toxic Faith: Experiencing Healing From Painful Spiritual Abuse by Stephen Arterburn and Jack Felton

Faith That Hurts, Faith That Heals: Understanding the Fine Line Between Healthy Faith and Spiritual Abuse by Stephen Arterburn, Jack Felton

Twisted Scriptures: A Path to Freedom From Abusive Churches by Mary Alice Chrnalogar

The Drift into Deception: The Eight Characteristics of Abusive Christianity by Agnes C. Lawless, John W. Lawless
Growing Up Fundamentalist: Journeys in Legalism and Grace by Stefan Ultsein

Tired of Trying to Measure Up by Jeff VanVonderen

Exposing Spiritual Abuse by Mike Fehlauer

I Can't Hear God Anymore: Life in a Dallas Cult by Wendy J. Duncan

The Heresy of Mind Control: Recognizing Con Artists in Leadership by Stephen Martin


  1. Best to your next steps. My personal experience was crazy with this church. I was never a member but lost someone I loved. Your blog was one of the first places I found when I started looking around... You are doing the right thing.

  2. I Used To Attend Mars Hill Church From 2004 Until 2007.I Had Complained About Abuse With One Of The Men On The Prayer Team.I Directly Wrote The Elders. I Met With A Few Of The Pastors. At The Time I Was Promised That A Woman Would Be Present In The Room As I Described What Happened. I Talked To 3 Men, Including The Man Who Had Acted Inappropriately Towards Me.

    Then I Was Shunned By Everyone. I Had No More Friends From The Church. Even Though I Had Not Talked To Other People About The Situation, Only The Elders.
    It Was The Hardest Thing To Go through
    I Was On The Prayer Team Too.
