
Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Peaceful Protest This Sunday

This Sunday, August 3, a group of former members and leaders will lead a peaceful protest at the Bellevue Campus. Here is a Facebook link to the event information:

We Are Not Anonymous Protest

Feel free to show up at 10:00 am if you are in the Seattle area.


  1. Are you kidding me? to accomplish what? This is NOT the way to win the world, people.

  2. He's not even preaching this Sunday...

  3. This is not how the body of Christ handles things. It's shameful. Proverbs 6:16-19 " There are six things the Lord hates,... a person who stirs up conflict in the community."
    A protest is not a gentle rebuke, it's an angry mob against fellow believers.

  4. This is not how the body of Christ handles things. It's shameful. Proverbs 6:16-19 " There are six things the Lord hates,... a person who stirs up conflict in the community."
    A protest is not a gentle rebuke, it's an angry mob against fellow believers.
