
Friday, December 6, 2013

Welcome, Jezebel Friends!

Life on Mars Hill illustration by Ryan Brown

Thanks for clicking through to check out this blog. I started this blog almost two years ago, after telling my story anonymously an another blog. I  Since I left, I had struggled with what to do with what had occurred. My husband and I wanted to just forget about it and move on, but based on stories we had come across, we knew that our experience was not an isolated incident. What kind of damage is this causing to others?  How can we just walk away and be glad that we "dodged the bullet"?

I had already submitted my story several days before it came out.  I simultaneously started the Mars Hill Refuge blog, which I thought would be some obscure little piece of the internet. I had no idea that just one day prior to my story being told, Matthew Paul Turner would write about Andrew's discipline contract and shunning.  I could not have imagined the chain of events that would follow.

Shortly after the release of my story, The Stranger wrote an article about Lance.  In that article, my blog was linked.  This was followed by The Slate Article, which was picked up by the Huffington Post.  Then many of us were contacted to participate in the KOMO News Story.

The result of all of this unsolicited publicity following the telling of my story has been a response I couldn't have predicted.  People have come forward with their stories in large numbers.  Some are posted here on the site, and some have been shared privately.  The response has been overwhelming.

Here are the links to all stories that can be found on the internet, or have been shared with us.  We post these so that you can read for yourself and make your own determination about Mars Hill.  Some of the Yelp links have positive stories, and if you would like to read more, I am sure you can find them on the Mars Hill Website.

Starred stories are MUST READS!

*Andrew's Story (Part 1)

*Paul & Jonna Petry's Story 

UnReformed's Story

*Kip's Story 

Lance's Story (The Stranger Article)

Rebecca's Story

Bent Meyer's Story

*Amy's Story

Kaelee's Story

Sophia's Story

Kevin Potts' Story

Wenatchee's Story 

Mars Hill Departed Part 1
Mars Hill Departed Part 2

Frankie's Story

Multiple Stories @ Freedom4Captives

Stories on Yelp - Ballard Campus

Stories on Yelp - Downtown Campus

Stories on Yelp - West Seattle Campus

Stories on Yelp - Bellevue Campus

Stories on Yelp - Albuquerque Campus

Stories on Yelp - Orange County Campus

The next post is a list of articles and blog posts about Mark Driscoll.