

Here are some more stories that can be found on the internet, or have been shared with us.  We post these so that you can read for yourself and make your own determination about Mars Hill.  Some of the Yelp links have positive stories, and if you would like to read more, I am sure you can find them on the Mars Hill Website.

Andrew's Story (Part 1)

Bent Meyer's Story

Paul & Jonna Petry's Story 

UnReformed's Story (Sophia's Husband)

Lance's Story (The Stranger Article)

Amy's Story

Kaelee's Story

Sophia's Story

Kevin Potts' Story

Wenatchee's Story 

Mars Hill Departed Part 1
Mars Hill Departed Part 2

Frankie's Story

Multiple Stories @ Freedom4Captives

Stories on Yelp - Ballard Campus

Stories on Yelp - Downtown Campus

Stories on Yelp - West Seattle Campus

Stories on Yelp - Bellevue Campus

Stories on Yelp - Albuquerque Campus

Stories on Yelp - Orange County Campus

Would you like to share your story?

Please email your story to

Please remember that your story should be free from profanity and actual names of people involved.  Also, please leave out campuses/location information as this makes it very easy to identify people involved. If you include this info we will remove it.  We will protect your identity and you may use an alias or first name only.