
Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Hey Liberty University, Drop Driscoll! Petition

Updated: 4/5/2012

I will start off saying that some of you may disagree with my participation in this. I know that the purpose of this blog is to tell our stories and support one another.


What if we could prevent the stories?  What if we put action behind our words and opinions?  What if a greater number of people were aware of what is being taught by Pastor Mark?

I am sure that some will judge my heart and call me bitter.  That is a risk I am willing to take.  Why?  Because I have nieces and nephews who almost started attending Mars Hill a few weeks ago.  But they didn't because my brother told them about this blog.  In my opinion, we have a responsibility.  A group of us have gotten together to form "Sophia's Voice".

Here is our strategy: I met with social justice groups over the past week after news outlets have failed to pick up any of the spiritual abuse stories coming out of Mars Hill church. It’s troubling how Driscoll has a bestselling book on godly marriage while at the same time alarming stories from behind the scenes of his church have been coming out on sites like Jesus Needs New PR and Joyful Exiles, and Mars Hill Refuge. We’ve emailed major papers and news sites to ask them to spotlight the testimonies of insider experiences coming out of Mars Hill, andl the only one who would pick up the story was The Stranger. Not Christianity Today, not any of the Times type papers – no one.
So to raise curiosity about a problem (emotional and spiritual devastation coming out of Mars Hill church) that we have seen for years in our community and now spreading nationwide as Driscoll’s fame and Acts 29 church network grows, we need to spark curiosity about what is happening behind the scenes. If demand is created then news outlets will cover these devastating stories of people who were once on the inner circle of Mars Hill church. Since Driscoll is a national bestseller and getting lots of media attention we decided to petition Liberty University to rescind their invite for Driscoll to speak on their campus on April 20th. We think that would get the conservatives and fundamentalists engaged as well. Once the truth is brought to light then healing can begin, as any survivor will tell you.

If you are so inclined, please sign the petition to have Mark Driscoll uninvited from speaking to more than 10,000 students at Liberty University on April 20.  Also, please share it with your networks if you feel comfortable.

Here is the link:

Hey Liberty University, Drop Driscoll!


  1. Mars Hill Refuge....YOU HAVE MY SUPPORT!

  2. Wow, you are almost there. And it has been, what, like two days?
    What's the deadline?

  3. I am an Alumnus of Liberty and have been spreading awareness of this. The board of trustees has been unanimous in declaration of disapproval; however, the Universit is still doing its own thing. We are now encouraging alumni to get involved and speak up.
