
Monday, March 19, 2012

Former Mars Hill Leadership Speaks

Former Elder Paul Petry and his wife speak out....I have not even finished reading it yet, but thought I would share the link!


  1. I have invested the last 5 hours reading Paul's wife's account and much of the supporting documentation. I literally felt like I wanted to vomit multiple times while reading.

    Because of the good that seems to result from Mark Driscoll's preaching, I have wanted to believe that the mistreatment that I have experienced firsthand and that I have heard of via friends was the result of a select few power-hungry, inexperienced pastors.

    After reading Paul Petry's attempts to protect against: 1) a lack of accountability for leaders and 2) a process whereby accused members can appeal if they feel that they are wrongfully accused or wrongfully deemed unrepentant - after reading this, I am now convinced that the mistreatment and dare I say, abuse that is practiced by the Pastors and extended leadership of Mars Hill Church is systemic. And I question whether it is intentional.

    My heart is heavy with sadness. My heart is also hopeful that the Petrys story will bring about a much greater awareness within the broader church community as well as at Mars Hill and some willingness for the Pastors, Elders, Community Group Leaders and Members of the church to say "Enough is enough. This is not how Jesus would want us to be known. There are too many of these stories of mistreatment, abuse of power, bullying, unkindness, and lack of graciousness for these to all be sour grapes."

    My prayer is that the all of the followers of Christ at Mars Hill (leaders and members) will take the church's standard for true conviction, confession, repentance, restitution, & reconciliation and apply it to the unkind, unloving, un-Christlike ways that the Church has treated so many people.

    1. I must go see this drama play out in person, so I look forward to checking this out for myself. Fascinating stuff, although I don't know why it is so hard to walk away from a bad situation at church to another that is better. Mr. Driscoll, is, afterall, a mere man.

  2. "A Christianity which perpetuates the exaltation of mere men to god-like status, while belittling
    and wounding so many of God’s children in the process, is completely antithetical to what Jesus
    taught and is just as harmful to the leaders as it is to those who follow. Sadly, this is not the love
    of Jesus Christ or the power of the gospel we are called to demonstrate to one another and to the

    Jonna Petry

  3. I especially appreciate Paul's "MY CONFESSION and REQUEST for REDRESS of Grievances". I found it downright healing to see a man confess and repent of sin. I have not seen that in way too long a time!!

  4. It was beautiful.I believe the Petry's went over and above what was necessary. They have pleased our Lord with their desire to try to bring reconciliation. May God truly bless them and their family.

  5. I remember Pastor Paul. I heard him speak a couple times before I left as I saw the writing on the wall as to what would happen to me if I stayed.
    I always liked Pastor Paul and was not sure why he was part of Mars Hill or how he fit in with Driscoll. He seemed so much nicer, humbler, and warmer than Mark and other leaders. I always thought it was a good cop/bad cop thing though.
